Whistleblowing is a colloquial term used to describe the disclosure of wrongdoing in an organization.
This includes:
- A criminal offence such as fraud
- Health and safety being at risk
- Risk of or actual damage to the environment
- A miscarriage of justice
- The company breaking the law – for example, it doesn’t have the correct (or any) insurance
- You believe that someone is covering up wrongdoing
NB: You are not considered a whistleblower if you are reporting a personal grievance (for example – bullying, harassment or discrimination) unless your particular case is in the public interest. These should be reported according to your employer’s grievance policy.

iReport is Compliance Caribbeans’ external whistleblowing platform. It is part of our Integrity Suite, a digital range of compliance services we offer.
With iReport we offer our client an external platform, to manage your whistleblowing policy.
A whistleblower can report wrongdoing in 5 different ways:
1. via the contact form on the website, which we will set up tailor made to your company
2. via live chat with one of our compliance officers
3. via email
4. via WhatsApp
5. via phone
After a whistleblower reports (possible) wrongdoing, Compliance Caribbean will investigate the case. Each reporting will be taken seriously, and we will constantly ensure the whistleblowers’ anonymity.
We will report back to our client on a monthly basis regarding a few facts ‘n figures reported. A certain number of investigation hours is included in the monthly fee.
Whistleblowing is vitally important in protecting a company’s customers and in directly protecting your organization through combatting fraud and misconduct. The dire alternative is risking legal prosecution, major fines and a public scandal, accompanied by a substantial loss of reputation.
~Delta Net, September 19th 2018~